[SciPy-dev] dtype name coverage

Andrew Straw strawman at astraw.com
Sun Nov 20 04:55:40 EST 2005


I was going through some old numstar code, trying to get it to work with
scipy core, and I was initially frustrated by the lack of "UInt8" in
scipy, because it's the only name for this dtype shared between numarray
and Numeric. To investigate the situation further, I wrote a little
script (attached), which I think should be used to add a few more names
to the scipy namespace in the name of backwards compatibility with
numstar.  Here's the output on my machine:

                      scipy       Numeric      numarray
        UInt8             -             +             +
 UnsignedInt8             +             +             -
        uint8             +             -             +

       UInt16             -             +             +
UnsignedInt16             +             +             -
       uint16             +             -             +

       UInt32             -             +             +
UnsignedInt32             -             +             -
       uint32             +             -             +

       UInt64             -             -             +
UnsignedInt64             -             -             -
       uint64             +             -             +

         uint             +             -             -
        uint_             -             -             -

         Int8             +             +             +
         int8             +             -             +

        Int16             +             +             +
        int16             +             -             +

        Int32             +             +             +
        int32             +             -             +

        Int64             -             +             +
        int64             +             -             +

         int_             +             -             -

      Float32             +             +             +
      float32             +             -             +

      Float64             +             +             +
      float64             +             -             +

     Float128             +             -             -
     float128             +             -             -

        Float             +             +             +
        float             -             -             -
       float_             +             -             -

    complex64             +             -             +
    Complex64             +             +             +

   complex128             +             -             +
   Complex128             +             -             -

   complex256             +             -             -
   Complex256             -             -             -

     Complex_             -             -             -
      complex             -             -             -
     complex_             +             -             -

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