[SciPy-dev] swig vs. f2py

Pearu Peterson pearu at scipy.org
Thu Nov 10 02:41:56 EST 2005

On Wed, 9 Nov 2005, Robert Cimrman wrote:

> Is it ok to use swig with scipy? I assume the asnwer is yes, because of
> the *.i files in both newcore and newscipy, but asking never hurts... :)

It is ok and is encouraged.

However, the generated sources should be commited to the repository as 
well. This is because we cannot assume that swig or pyrex or an other such 
tool is installed. And with scipy.distutils we could add an option to 
setup.py file that the swig-generated sources will be regenerated in
source tree when .i files are changed.

With f2py things are a bit different. f2py is a pure python package and 
included to newcore.


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