[SciPy-dev] Numeric CVS __array_struct__ interface is broken on 64 bit platforms

Travis Oliphant oliphant at ee.byu.edu
Wed Nov 9 14:50:42 EST 2005

Nils Wagner wrote:

>On Wed, 09 Nov 2005 12:35:34 -0700
>  Travis Oliphant <oliphant at ee.byu.edu> wrote:
>>Andrew Straw wrote:
>>>A couple bugs have been reported (including mine last 
>>>night) which
>>>indicate a problem with the following bit of code in
>>>Numerical/Src/arrayobject.c (near line 2200) on 64 bit 
>>>platforms.  I
>>>think it'll be a lot faster for someone else to fix it, 
>>>so I'll leave it
>>>at this for now.
>>Try it out of CVS now.  I think I've fixed it.
>-d:pserver:anonymous at cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/numpy co 
>-P Numerical
>cvs [checkout aborted]: connect to 
>cvs.sourceforge.net( failed: Connection 
I don't know, must be a sourceforge issue.  Note, however, that 
anonymous check-out from source forge usually lags.  I'm attaching a 
patch against Numeric 24.1 that fixes the problem (and a couple more as 


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