[SciPy-dev] Building newcore with the intel compilers on Itanium2...

Fernando Perez Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu
Thu Nov 3 04:00:45 EST 2005

Pearu Peterson wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Nov 2005, Robert Kern wrote:

>>Probably the best thing to do would be to make an ICCCompiler which is a
>>subclass of UnixCCompiler. Be sure to register it with the dictionary
>>distutils.ccompiler.compiler_class . Then the user can set the compiler
>>with --compiler=icc .
> Right. I am creating the ICCCompiler at the moment and I'll let you know 
> when you could test it.

Great!  Many thanks.  In the meantime, I tried building the full scipy with 
icc, but chepes.c is giving me an error:

Lib/special/cephes/const.c(92): error: floating-point operation result is out 
of range
   double INFINITY = 1.0/0.0;  /* 99e999; */
Lib/special/cephes/const.c(97): error: floating-point operation result is out 
of range
   double NAN = 1.0/0.0 - 1.0/0.0;
compilation aborted for Lib/special/cephes/const.c (code 2)

Since I'm not terribly familiar with icc, I'll wait for help from Andrew 
locally tomorrow. It may well be a simple command-line switch issue or some 
other stupid error on my part (though the manpage doesn't give me any pointers 
yet).  Need to sleep now.

And thanks for doing the implementation work on ICCCompiler, I was honestly 
willing to give it a go :)



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