[SciPy-dev] LiveDocs for offline viewing

Pearu Peterson pearu at scipy.org
Fri Mar 4 05:29:47 EST 2005

On Fri, 4 Mar 2005, Nikolai Hlubek wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I recently discovered the livedocs for scipy
> and quite like them since they allow better
> browsing than the ones created by pydoc.
> Mostly because of the better arranged and linked
> index pages.
> I've tried to start a local version of twistd to
> serve the documentation from my install of scipy
> but most of the links are missing.
> Only scipy_base is equal to the version online
> available.
> So for scipy I only get the following, which is much less
> compared to http://oliphant.ee.byu.edu:81/scipy/
> SciPy --- A scientific computing package for Python
> ===================================================
> Available subpackages
> ---------------------
> scipy.cluster     --- Vector Quantization / Kmeans
> scipy.cow         --- Cluster Of Workstations
> scipy.fftpack     --- Discrete Fourier Transform algorithms
> scipy.ga          --- Genetic Algorithms
> scipy.gplt        --- Plotting with gnuplot
> scipy.integrate   --- Integration routines
> scipy.interpolate --- Interpolation Tools
> scipy.io          --- Data input and output
> scipy.linalg      --- Linear algebra routines
> scipy.optimize    --- Optimization Tools
> scipy.plt         --- Plotting with wxPython
> scipy.signal      --- Signal Processing Tools
> scipy.sparse      --- Sparse matrix
> scipy.special     --- Special Functions
> scipy.stats       --- Statistical Functions
> scipy.xplt        --- Plotting routines based on Gist
> scipy.xxx         --- Scipy example module for developers
> weave             --- C/C++ integration
> Where only weave is linked. Does anyone have an idea what
> this problem is related to?

It looks like you have some older scipy version installed.
I believe that livedocs represent CVS version of scipy.


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