[SciPy-dev] Merged numarray branch

Todd Miller jmiller at stsci.edu
Mon Jan 10 15:49:03 EST 2005

As part of an effort to make scipy work with numarray,  I merged the
numarray branch of CVS onto the main trunk about an hour ago.  In
theory,  this has no effect on the operation of scipy using Numeric and
will eventually enable operation based on numarray.  As of today,  the
"numarray merge" mostly affects scipy_base so there are many updates
that remain to be done to scipy as a whole before numarray is equally

Operation with Numeric is the default.  To run using numarray,  you
"setenv NUMERIX numarray" and then start python and import scipy as
usual.  There is currently output on the console which indicates which
array package you're getting at import time.  

There are still errors in the self-tests using numarray so this is
mostly a curiosity announcement and head's up to be on the lookout for
other problems.  If you're curious, get numarray from CVS on source
forge first.


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