[SciPy-dev] install problems, SUSE, check_heev

Pearu Peterson pearu at scipy.org
Thu Feb 3 08:33:41 EST 2005

On Thu, 3 Feb 2005, Arnd Baecker wrote:

> BTW (Pearu), I did not change LAPACK/make.inc
> in this case (because I used the source code variant) - is it right
> that scipy takes care of the flags in this case?

Yes. Scipy does not make any use of LAPACK/make.inc, it just compiles .f 
files to liblapack_src.a and uses it when linking an extension module.

> ((Or should I better compile LAPACK directly,
> as described in scipy's INSTALL.txt
>       cd /path/to/src/LAPACK
>       make lapacklib    # On 400MHz PII it takes about 15min.
> and play around with the flags as you described
> in your previous mail?

Yes, I'd choose this approach. So, replace the line

   OPTS     = -funroll-all-loops -fno-f2c -O3

in make.inc with

   OPTS     = -funroll-all-loops -O2

and proceed with

   make lapacklib
   mv lapack_LINUX.a libflapack.a
   export LAPACK=/path/to/libflapack.a

Also, don't read INSTALL.txt :), read


instead. Detailed instructions for building ATLAS for Scipy can be 
found here:



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