[SciPy-dev] gui_thread issue

eric jones eric at enthought.com
Sat Nov 6 15:04:24 EST 2004

Do we still have the problem that gui_thread can't be started from an 
IPython resource file so that the user doesn't explicitly have to call 
gui_thread.start() (or whatever)?  My initial attempts failed.
I just tried something like:

    import gui_thread
    import time
    time.sleep(1) # any value here fails.
    import enthought.chaco.wxplt as plt

and I get an error that wxPython is already imported (by the wxplt call 
I'm sure).  This all brought dredged up unpleasant memories that are 
documented here:


Fernando, did you figure out a way around all this import/thread madness 
when you were working with matplotlib?  The patch I had never made it 
into Python 1.5.2, and I haven't tried it anytime recently.  I'm hoping 
Fernando has a less intrusive solution...


Pearu Peterson wrote:

> On Sat, 6 Nov 2004, Prabhu Ramachandran wrote:
>>>>>>> "FP" == Fernando Perez <Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu> writes:
>>    FP> Pearu Peterson schrieb:
>>    >> Interesting idea. Here's another possibility to execute `import
>>    >> gui_thread;gui_thread.start()`:
>>    >>
>>    >> import gui_thread.start
>>    FP> Sure.  Short and sweet.  The final question is whether to list
>>    FP> start in gui_thread's __all__, since this determines the
>>    FP> behavior of a
>> That sounds like a good plan.  We could also use this::
>> import gui_thread.wx_start
>> Just in the rare case that someone comes up with working gui_thread
>> code for other toolkits?
> I agree.
> gui_thread.start could contain a code to pick up default backend to
> gui_thread.
>> In any case, should this be done now or once SciPy moves to SVN?
> I'd say now. Moving to SVN seems to delay but we should not stop 
> contributing to scipy because of that. It does not matter much whether
> patches go to CVS or to SVN repository, SVN has an advantage only when
> we want to move directories around in the code repository.
> Pearu
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