[SciPy-dev] pyPlot.size proposal

Alan G Isaac aisaac at american.edu
Mon Aug 2 02:09:34 EDT 2004

I'm using gplt and while good it seems sometimes to
needlessly restrict access to gnuplot commands.

Please consider a small change in the
definition of size.  Something like
the following would be *very* helpful.

    def size(self,size=(1.,1.)) :
        if type(size) == StringType :
            cmd = 'set size ' + size
        else :
            cmd = 'set size %f,%f' % size

Please consider a general purpose communication
command to set global gnuplot options. E.g.,

    def replot(self,plotstr=""):
        if type(plotstr) == StringType :

Thank you for this nice package!
Alan Isaac

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