[SciPy-dev] building libraries using scipy distutils on WinXP

Berthold Höllmann hoel at gl-group.com
Tue Oct 28 10:14:59 EST 2003


The path to my Visual Studio executables contains spaces. This leads
to an error when "lib.exe" is called from scipy distutils. The
attached patch to command/build_flib.py fixes this problem for me.

cvs server: Diffing scipy_core/scipy_distutils/command
Index: scipy_core/scipy_distutils/command/build_flib.py
RCS file: /home/cvsroot/world/scipy_core/scipy_distutils/command/build_flib.py,v
retrieving revision 1.82
diff -r1.82 build_flib.py
<             self.lib_ar = MSVCCompiler().lib + ' /OUT:'
>             self.lib_ar = '"%s" /OUT:' % MSVCCompiler().lib
<             self.lib_ar = MSVCCompiler().lib + ' /OUT:'
>             self.lib_ar = '"%s" /OUT:' % MSVCCompiler().lib
cvs server: Diffing scipy_core/scipy_test

Kind regards

Berthold Höllmann
Germanischer Lloyd AG
CAE Development
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Phone: +49(0)40 36149-7374
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e-mail: hoel at gl-group.com
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