[SciPy-dev] Re: [Scipy-cvs] world/kiva/agg - New directory

Eric Jones eric at enthought.com
Sat Mar 29 01:29:30 EST 2003

I've tested it on Windows and Linux against the latest agg2 CVS, and it works both places for me.  It isn't hooked up to kiva yet, but you can play with the agg path renderer on its own.  You'll need to check out agg2 in a directory next to chaco_all:

$ cd ~/wrk <or where ever you keep your sandbox>
$ cvs -d:pserver:anonymous at cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/vector-agg login
password: <hit return>  
$ cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous at cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/vector-agg co agg2
$ cd agg2
$ make
$ cd ../chaco_all
$ <edit> kiva/setup_kiva.py --> set BUILD_AGG=1
$ python setup.py install
$ cd kiva/agg/examples
$ python lion.py
tot time, time per lion, lions per second 0.18 0.018 55.5555555556

This should also produce a file called lion.bmp that has 10 slightly rotated and transparent versions of the lion rendered on top of each other.  It looks fine on windows, but I haven't tried it anywhere else (although the linux rendered file also looked fine on windows).  I'm quite sure it doesn't produce the right file format on Big Endian machines.

On my faster windows box, I get about 100 lions per second.

Let me know if you run into any troubles playing with it.


David Ascher <DavidA at ActiveState.com> wrote ..
> eric at scipy.org wrote:
> >Update of /home/cvsroot/world/kiva/agg
> >In directory scipy.org:/tmp/cvs-serv28240/agg
> >
> >Log Message:
> >Directory /home/cvsroot/world/kiva/agg added to the repository\
> >
> Kuuul!
> Thanks!
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