[SciPy-dev] PyGist

Travis E. Oliphant oliphant.travis at ieee.org
Mon Mar 10 15:48:27 EST 2003

eric jones wrote:

>Hey Travis,
>I just tried xplt out in the new CVS on Win XP, and it worked great for
>a single plot.  If I close the plot window and try to plot something
>again, it doesn't bring up a new plot.  When I then tried xplt.figure(), it seg-faulted.

I tried what you did and it happened to me too.

I will track it down.  I remember this happening before


>Any ideas?
>eric jones                    515 Congress Ave
>www.enthought.com             Suite 1614
>512 536-1057                  Austin, Tx 78701 
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: scipy-dev-admin at scipy.net [mailto:scipy-dev-admin at scipy.net] On
>>Behalf Of Travis Oliphant
>>Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 4:57 PM
>>To: scipy-dev at scipy.org
>>Subject: [SciPy-dev] PyGist
>>I have recently discovered the PyGist has undergone some changes while
>>we've been using it in SciPy.
>>Part of these changes have led it to be available on Windows!!!!
>>Given that to compile SciPy on Windows we need the same tools required
>>to compile and use PyGist on Windows, I am very willing to make the
>>modifications to xplt necessary to get it to compile and be useful to
>>the windows user.
>>This will provide a fast and very capable plotting package that while
>>missing a couple of the bells and whistles of the eventually delivered
>>chaco package, will allow users to produce publication quality plots
>>immediately under current SciPy.
>>I think this is very important for the further dissemination of SciPy.
>>Some may get concerned that we will spend too many resources making
>>workable to only through it away in the end.   I think this will not
>>happen because PyGist is so fast and easy to use.
>>I fear that we are losing potential users because we are not
>>a consistent and very useable (if not perfect) plotting package for
>>SciPy.  Because PyGist now works on all platforms and it is very full
>>featured there is no reason not to provide it in all binaries of
>>-Travis O.
>>Scipy-dev mailing list
>>Scipy-dev at scipy.net
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