[SciPy-dev] SciPy 0.2

Pearu Peterson pearu at cens.ioc.ee
Tue Jan 14 10:55:31 EST 2003

On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Travis Oliphant wrote:

> We really need to get SciPy 0.2 done, right.
> What has left to be done.
> Should I spend time writing more docs, or writing more tests?  Probably
> both, right?


> Are packaging issues all that remain.  There are stable ATLAS binaries
> that work for many cases, now, so everybody doesn't have to compile ATLAS.
> Are we waiting for Chaco to mature, more?
> What needs to be done to complete the 0.2 cycle?

I think that the current CVS SciPy is ready for 0.2 release, but
what we are lacking is a robust framework for making SciPy releases.
This framework should include:

* generating SciPy tar-balls, rpm, deb, etc. packages
* exposing them at SciPy web or ftp sites
* verifying that they are complete and work with various systems
  and setups --- autotesting.
* updating scipy web site: instructions for download, installation, usage,
  bug reports, etc.

I am currently (re)working with SciPy autotesting support that Eric,
David, and Skip started earlier.


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