[SciPy-dev] Problems with freetype (CVS).

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Wed Apr 30 02:24:51 EDT 2003

>>>>> "EJ" == Eric Jones <eric at enthought.com> writes:

    EJ> This happened to me also.  It looks like the ft_spec.pyc and
    EJ> build_ft.pyc files left over in the scipy/Lib_chaco/freetype
    EJ> directory after the code re-organization are the culprits.
    EJ> The new .py files for these guys have been moved down into the
    EJ> src directory.  Just delete these old files, and then rebuild.
    EJ> All should work fine...  thanks for catching this, eric

Yes, that fixed it for me too.  Now the chaco demos run fine.  Thanks!


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