[SciPy-dev] Re: [SciPy-user] Please excuse our dust.

Pearu Peterson pearu at cens.ioc.ee
Tue May 7 12:12:50 EDT 2002

Hi Adam,

Some time ago I wished to have a scipy-cvs mailing list that recieves
messages when committing stuff to the SciPy CVS repository. See the
thread in

So, do you have plans create such a list? 
Why am I asking all the time for this mailing list is that I have used it
in other projects and found it is extremely useful if more than one person
is working with the CVS repository.

I have sent the information how to do that (the CVS repository part) to
Eric some months ago and if it is lost, I can re-send it to you.


On Tue, 7 May 2002, Adam Barker wrote:

> Hello All,
> First, an introduction:
> My name is Adam Barker, and I recently started working with Enthought on the
> Scipy project.  I'll be taking care of most of the system administration
> tasks for the Scipy website and mailing lists, so if you have any questions,
> I'll do my best to answer them in a timely manner.
> Second, we're doing a bit of work on the websites and the mailing lists.
> Specifically, we're moving them to a different set of machines and a
> different service provider this week.  Hopefully the move will be
> transparent, but there might be a few hiccups this week as everything gets
> finished.  We're going to be conservative with the switchover to avoid
> interruption of service if possible.
> If you have any questions or comments, or if you find something radically
> incorrect with the Scipy websites or mailing lists, please feel free to
> contact me at:
> adam at enthought.com
> Thanks!
> Adam
> _______________________________________________
> SciPy-user mailing list
> SciPy-user at scipy.net
> http://www.scipy.net/mailman/listinfo/scipy-user

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