[SciPy-dev] fftpack preliminary testing results

Pearu pearu at scipy.org
Mon Aug 19 20:18:14 EDT 2002


I have started to create a testing site for fftpack and here are some 
preliminary benchmark results:

    Fast Fourier Transform  
 size |fftpack2 |  FFT    | scipy   | fftw2 
  100 |   1.55  |   1.07  |   1.65  |   0.42     (secs for 7000 calls)
 1000 |   1.77  |   1.82  |   3.01  |   0.65     (secs for 2000 calls)
  512 |   3.97  |   4.56  |   3.20  |   1.50     (secs for 10000 calls)
 2048 |   1.30  |   1.82  |   1.26  |   0.68     (secs for 1000 calls)
 8192 |   5.65  |   6.61  |   5.68  |   2.39     (secs for 500 calls)

fftpack2 refers to f2py'd version of fftpack
FFT refers to fftpack (f2c version of fftpack) shipped with Numeric
scipy refers to scipy.fftpack
fftw2 refers to quickly-put-together interface to FFTW

All tests are carried out on complex 1D contiguous data.
All fft routines pass correctness check (i.e. they all return the same 

* Timings for fftpack2 and scipy fluctuate strongly. In average, their 
performance is the same. 
* fftpack2/scipy perform better than FFT for large data sets.
* FFTW beats them all (which makes more sense than my earlier tests).


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