[SciPy-dev] automatic test script for scipy

pearu at scipy.org pearu at scipy.org
Fri Apr 12 17:57:26 EDT 2002

Hi Eric,

You have done a nice job.

On Fri, 12 Apr 2002, eric wrote:

> 4.
> Atlas.  Right now the script is hardcoded to download some atlas libraries I
> built for RH on PIII.  This is obviously not portable.  Automating the atlas
> build is also hard because it requires user input.  I think we could replace
> config.c with our own config.c that just removed user input request and used the
> default values.  That wouldn't be hard.  We'd also need to make config.c emit
> the directory where it was going to put the library files in an easy to parse
> way so that we'd know where to copy them from.

May be the following hack is simpler:

cd /tmp/dir
rm -rf ATLAS     # must start from a clean src to avoid config problems
tar xzf /path/to/atlas3.3.14.tar.gz
python -c 'for i in range(100): print' | make  #everything is default
ARCH=`python -c 'import glob;print glob.glob("Make*UNKNOWN")[0][5:]'`
make install arch=$ARCH

that will build ATLAS libraries to directory lib/$ARCH. Further fixing
liblapack.a should be simple.

Other thing: it is not complete clear to me whether these automatic
test hooks are only to be used from enthought machines (from a cron
job) or should they be used by developers as well? Build everything from
scratch can take hours on others machines.


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