[SciPy-dev] Re: More on Solaris compilation

pearu at scipy.org pearu at scipy.org
Tue Apr 9 17:22:14 EDT 2002

On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Tim Lahey wrote:

> Hi,
> I can manage to get everything to compile, but upon
> linking to get fblas, I have problems. Basically,
> g77 -shared doesn't seem to work, but if I do
> f77 -G (Sun compiler & flag) it will link. How can
> I get scipy to ignore g77 and use Sun's f77 instead
> (with the right flag) ? I actually get the following
> from scipy:
> replacing linker_so ['cc', '-G'] with ['g77', '-shared']
> which if it didn't do that would work.
> Any thoughts ? Suggestions ?

See setup.py file line #28:
build_flib.all_compilers = [build_flib.gnu_fortran_compiler]

You must comment it out to use your native Fortran compiler.
See also scipy_distutils/command/build_flib.py where you find the
definition of a Sun Fortran compiler. Feel free to fix things there and
send patches.


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