[SciPy-dev] RPMs and source distribution

Joe Reinhardt jmr at engineering.uiowa.edu
Tue Aug 21 19:19:53 EDT 2001

Did this debian package ever materialize?   

As far as I know, there is no bdist_deb, but I have packaged other
python packages using "python setup.py build" and dpkg-buildpackage
with no trouble.

I would be interested in working to get this packaged.  Let me know if
I can help.

- Joe

rossini at u.washington.edu (A.J. Rossini) writes:

>>>>>> "TO" == Travis Oliphant <oliphant at ee.byu.edu> writes:
>     TO> I've been playing for hours and finally have it so that
>     TO> python setup.py sdist python setup.by bdist_rpm
>     TO> work as expected.
>     TO> I have distributions and RPM's that I need to put somewhere.
> So distutils stuff works?
> And are there any plans for a debian package (more "if not, I'll work
> at it", than an honest request).
> best,
> -tony

Joseph M. Reinhardt, Ph.D.   Department of Biomedical Engineering
joe-reinhardt at uiowa.edu      University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA  52242
Telephone: 319-335-5634      FAX:       319-335-5631

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