Jaime Lopez jalopcar at gmail.com
Sun Sep 17 12:12:03 EDT 2023

Hi there,

I got interested in your project, but I found this error from the beginning
(see attached image).
The work array cannot be reshaped to (1,4), cause it has shape (2,1), any


[image: image.png]

On Thu, Sep 14, 2023 at 11:29 AM Ulderico Santarelli <
ulderico.santarelli at gmail.com> wrote:

>       *I am an old guy who started programming around the seventies of
> the last century* with ASSEMBLER 360, then FORTRAN, PL1, APL, IBM
> APPLICATION SYSTEM and, last, the marvelous SAS. Having heard around about
> the powerful, flexible, functionally complete PYTHON UNIVERSE”,
> encompassing an advanced Object-Oriented Language and a very wide family of
> packages, I decided to run an exercise about a problem I've been tackling
> since my youth (have a look at the Bibliography). I succeeded in completing
> it in a few days and I'm attaching my solution to the problem of finding
> the points in a sample that are "central" in a surrounding topological
> neighborhood. They are eligible as centroids for a Cluster Analysis after
> the aggregation of "too near points'. The solution is based on the search
> of potential wells in a suitable potential field, similar to the one all of
> us studied in high school. Therefore, too near points may be in the same
> potential well.
> No more words, have a look at the attachment.
> My coding is that of a beginner. I'm sure everybody would find more
> efficient coding.  As a comment: I started studying Python around May 15th
> 2023.
> My best regards.
> Ulderico Santarelli.
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*Jaime Lopez Carvajal*
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