[scikit-learn] Random Binning Features

Guillaume Lemaître g.lemaitre58 at gmail.com
Wed May 27 10:25:55 EDT 2020

The algorithm in scikit-learn-extra are usually algorithms which did not
meet the inclusion criteria (too early publication, not enough citations,
However, the code quality is as good and tested than scikit-learn (usually
they were PR in the main repository).
Doing in this manner allows us to find the impact of the algorithms in
practice and maybe considering waiving-up the inclusion criterion.

On Sat, 2 May 2020 at 06:59, sai_ng <jonpsy101 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey folks !
> Hope you're all doing well.
> I'm developing Random Fourier Feature implementation in c++ for a
> repository. Scikits implementation on RBFSampler has been really helpful,
> and I must say that I'm charmed but how compact, yet powerful each line of
> code is.
> I'm writing this mail because I couldn't find your implementation of
> Random Binning Features, is it under development?. I tried searching in the
> issues but, to no avail. I noticed you've put few of your algorithms on a
> different repository for ex:
> https://scikit-learn-extra.readthedocs.io/en/latest/generated/sklearn_extra.kernel_approximation.Fastfood.html.
> Overall, I'd like to know if it's under development or has there been any
> draft/proposal or is it already implemented. I'd greatly appreciate if you
> could point me to other sources (if not here) which have successfully
> implemented it in code (preferably python/c++)
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Guillaume Lemaitre
Scikit-learn @ Inria Foundation
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