[scikit-learn] Vote on SLEP009: keyword only arguments

Joel Nothman joel.nothman at gmail.com
Tue Sep 17 03:42:56 EDT 2019

I think you mean keyword-only, Alex

On Tue., 17 Sep. 2019, 4:11 pm Alexandre Gramfort, <
alexandre.gramfort at inria.fr> wrote:

> Yes I am +1 for positional arguments for the __init__ of the estimators.
> Alex

Albert: my position when reviewing changes in accordance with this SLEP
would be to (a) perhaps get usage evidence as discussed in the SLEP pull
request review; and (b) apply a rule of thumb like "are the semantics
reasonably clear when the argument is passed positionally?" I think they
are clear for PCA's components, for Pipeline's steps, and for
GridSearchCV's estimator and parameter grid. Other parameters of those
estimators seem more suitable for keyword-only.

Trickier is whether n_components in TSNE should follow PCA in being
positional... It's not as commonly set by users.

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