[scikit-learn] CircleCI

Guillaume Lemaître g.lemaitre58 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 6 08:22:22 EDT 2018

Hi Manuel,

Basically, you are free to take any initiative with your CIs until it
is cross-platform tested. Using the different CI available allows to
speed-up the testing. In scikit-learn, we use Travis for Linux
checking, Appveyor for Windows, and CircleCI for building the
documentation. You could use a single CI service for all of those.
However, I am not sure that you have Windows support apart of

I think that we should update the template of the scikit-learn-contrib
with the new template for circle ci 2.

On Thu, 6 Sep 2018 at 13:16, Manuel CASTEJÓN LIMAS via scikit-learn
<scikit-learn at python.org> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Contrib projects template hints the authors to use TravisCI, CircleCI and Appveyor. Now that CircleCI has moved to version 2, is there any idea on what to do about it? Will the template be updated? Is it ok if we use only CircleCI?
> What do you, core devs, suggest about that?
> Best wishes
> Manuel
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Guillaume Lemaitre
INRIA Saclay - Parietal team
Center for Data Science Paris-Saclay

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