[scikit-learn] Google Season of Docs

Adrin adrin.jalali at gmail.com
Mon Oct 29 12:08:57 EDT 2018

Related to docs, my 2 cents from the conversations I've had with people who
are either new to "data science" or new to python and usually come from R:

- People really like simple examples. The doctests we've added seem like a
good start (at least the very few I've talked to have told me they really
like it). I guess having more use-case oriented easy to find tutorials
would really help new users. If I'm not mistaken, most tutorials on
scikit-learn's website focus on the features and models available in the
package, and not the use-case.

- In many cases, when people search for something, they end up on the API
page for a class or a method, which almost never include the main formula
they're implementing (easy examples are the linear models which can be
explain by a one liner formula). Even if the user clicks on the user guide
link, they don't necessarily find how exactly it's done there. In some
cases they'll need to go and read a reference paper if they want to
understand the method in detail, many (or some) of which are not even open
access articles.

I guess it shouldn't be too hard to figure some well-formulated projects
out of these ideas, and I care enough about documentation that I can give a
hand wherever you think I can be useful.


On Thu, 25 Oct 2018 at 18:47 Andreas Mueller <t3kcit at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey.
> Are we interested in the Google Season of Docs?
> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf-njReSfmp5i2olgmsDzrFR0Ll0UB5LkCzrtyM5o9Yw0foPw/viewform
> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ABqCc5uAoQv9aqGCxmNqOJ9S_Tst-adNV3fcWQ2Quwc/edit#slide=id.g42b115f18c_0_0
> It requires a mentor, which has been an issue in the past.
> But it looks like the idea is to have professionals partner up with
> projects, not students.
> The other problem would of course be formulating a clearly defined project.
> I think we could probably use some restructuring, or more focused
> tutorials.
> Wdyt?
> Andy
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