[scikit-learn] Dimension Reduction - MDS

Guillaume Favelier Guillaume.Favelier at lip6.fr
Tue Oct 9 05:17:30 EDT 2018

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to use some dimension reduction algorithm [1] on my dataset
[2] in a
python script [3] but for some reason, Python seems to consume a lot of my
main memory and even swap on my configuration [4] so I don't have the
expected result
but a memory error instead.

I have the impression that this behaviour is not intended so can you
help me know
what I did wrong or miss somewhere please?

[1]: MDS -  
[2]: dragon.csv - 69827 rows, 3 columns (x,y,z)
[3]: dragon.py - 10 lines
[4]: dragon_swap.png - htop on my workstation

TAR archive:  

Best regards,

Guillaume Favelier

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