[scikit-learn] Delegating "get_params" and "set_params" to a wrapped estimator when parameter is not defined.

Manuel CASTEJÓN LIMAS mcasl at unileon.es
Sat Apr 14 12:08:50 EDT 2018

Hi Javier!
Yo can have a look at:


There are a few adapters there and I had tool deal with that situation. I
solved it by using __getattr__ and __setattr__.

El vie., 13 abr. 2018 17:53, Javier López <jlopez at ende.cc> escribió:

> I have a class `FancyEstimator(BaseEstimator, MetaEstimatorMixin): ...`
> that wraps
> around an arbitrary sklearn estimator to add some functionality I am
> interested about.
> This class contains an attribute `self.estimator` that contains the
> wrapped estimator.
> Delegation of the main methods, such as `fit`, `transform` works just
> fine, but I am
> having some issues with `get_params` and `set_params`.
> The main idea is, I would like to use my wrapped class as a drop-in
> replacement for
> the original estimator, but this raises some issues with some functions
> that try using the `get_params` and `set_params` straight in my class, as
> the original
> parameters now have prefixed names (for instance `estimator__verbose`
> instead of `verbose`)
> I would like to delegate calls of set_params and get_params in a smart way
> so that if a
> parameter is unknown for my wrapper class, then it automatically goes
> looking for it in
> the wrapped estimator.
>  I am not concerned about my class parameter names as there are only a
> couple of very
> specific names on it, so it is safe to assume that any unknown parameter
> name should
> refer to the base estimator. Is there an easy way of doing that?
> Cheers,
> J
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