[scikit-learn] issue suggestion - decision trees - GSoC

Konstantinos Katrioplas konst.katrioplas at gmail.com
Sat Mar 11 08:29:30 EST 2017

Hello all,

While I am waiting for the PR that I have submitted to be evaluated 
(https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/pull/8563), would you 
suggest another (easy) issue for me to work on? Ideally something for 
which I will write some substantial code, so as to present it in my 
application for GSoC?

Is anyone interested to mentor me in the parallelization of decision 
trees? I admit I am not yet really familiar with the current tree code 
(although I have been using the method for regression on a research 
project) but I am very much intrigued by the idea and willing to learn 
all about it until the summer.


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