[scikit-learn] ANN: PyDataLondon Conference in May - Call for Proposals closing in 1 week

Ian Ozsvald ian at ianozsvald.com
Fri Feb 17 09:41:18 EST 2017

PyDataLondon 2017 runs in London this May 5-7th at Bloomberg's HQ near
London Bridge.

Our Call for Proposals is open until February 24th (next Friday), and
I'd love to see
sklearn talks and tutorial proposals:

This is our 4th annual conference, we'll have 330 active data
scientists over the 3 days. Our conference builds on our 4,800+ member
meetup which runs every month at hedge fund AHL:

I'd *love* to see a general sklearn tutorial at the conference,
there's a real demand for this here in London. I'm also very
interested in communicating
complex data visually, applications of data science that "made a
difference", data
engineering and all the topics you'd expect at a strong data science
conference. See
last year's schedule if you'd like an idea of what to expect:

You may also be interested in PyDataAmsterdam (April 8-9th) and
PyDataBerlin (June 30th-
July 2nd), both have their CfP open at the moment:

I'm hoping to see some interesting sklearn submissions,
Ian (conference co-chair)
ps. At our monthly meetups I'm also asking members to think on
testimonials they could
provide back to the sklearn testimonials page, I think that'll be a
slow mission but
I'll keep pushing the message. Hopefully a few companies will reciprocate to
help with your grant applications

Ian Ozsvald (Data Scientist, PyDataLondon co-chair)
ian at IanOzsvald.com


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