[scikit-learn] Announcing sklearn-xarray

Olivier Grisel olivier.grisel at ensta.org
Mon Dec 4 10:03:12 EST 2017

Interesting project!

BTW, do you know about dask-ml [1]?

It might be interesting to think about generalizing the input validation of
fit and predict / transform as a private method of the BaseEstimator class
instead of directly calling into sklearn.utils.validation functions so has
to make it easier for third party projects such as sklearn-xarray and
dask-ml to subclass and override those methods to allow for specific input
data-structure without converting everyting to a numpy array.

[1] https://github.com/dask/dask-ml

2017-12-04 15:21 GMT+01:00 Peter Hausamann <peter.hausamann at tum.de>:

> Hi all,
> I'd like to announce *sklearn-xarray*, a new package that provides a
> scikit-learn interface for xarray users. For those not familiar with xarray
> (http://xarray.pydata.org), it is a "pandas-like and pandas-compatible
> toolkit for analytics on multi-dimensional arrays".
> The package makes it possible to apply sklearn estimators to xarray
> DataArrays and Datasets while keeping the labels (called coordinates in
> xarray) intact whereever possible.
> You can install the package via pip:
> pip install sklearn-xarray
> To get started, you can:
>    - read the documentation: https://phausamann.github.io/sklearn-xarray
>    and
>    - check out the repository: https://github.
>    com/phausamann/sklearn-xarray
> Note that the package is still in a very early development stage and there
> will probably be some major API changes in upcoming releases. Most notably,
> I'd like to replicate the complete sklearn module structure at some point
> by decorating all available estimators with the necessary wrappers.
> Feedback of any kind is appreciated.
> Peter
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