[scikit-learn] New contributor to scikit-learn

Gael Varoquaux gael.varoquaux at normalesup.org
Thu Sep 15 15:55:55 EDT 2016

That's cool. Thanks for saying hi! Welcome on board.

Just to warn you so that you're not disappointed: the more senior members
of the community are drowning under commitments. Hence you'll might be
getting feedback slower than we would like. But if you're careful to
communicate well, and take on tasks that are both relevant and of the
right level of difficulties, you'll see that you progressively get to
understand this amazing community, and the code behind it! I think that
quite a few people who joined the project recently can testify for this.

I'm really looking forward to seeing you on github,


On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 03:35:04PM -0400, Kathleen Chen wrote:
> Hi! I'm Kathy, a student at Penn taking an open source software development
>  course this semester. I wanted to send a quick "hello" to the community; a few
> other students and I will be making contributions to scikit-learn as part of
> our work in the class. :) Really looking forward to learning from & getting to
> know some of you in the coming months!

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    Gael Varoquaux
    Researcher, INRIA Parietal
    NeuroSpin/CEA Saclay , Bat 145, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette France
    Phone:  ++ 33-1-69-08-79-68
    http://gael-varoquaux.info            http://twitter.com/GaelVaroquaux

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