[scikit-learn] Markov Clustering?

Jacob Schreiber jmschreiber91 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 3 14:12:47 EST 2016

I don't think anyone is working on this. Contributions are always very
welcome, but be aware before you start that the process of getting a
completely new algorithm into scikit-learn will take a lot of time and

On Sat, Dec 3, 2016 at 9:19 AM, Allan Visochek <avisochek3 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi there,
> My name is Allan Visochek, I'm a data scientist and web developer and I
> love scikit-learn so first of all, thanks so much for the work that you do.
> I'm reaching out because I've found the markov clustering algorithm to be
> quite useful for me in some of my work and noticed that there is no
> implementation in scikit-learn, is anybody working on this? If not, id be
> happy to take this on. I'm new to open source, but I've been working with
> python for a few years now.
> Best,
> -Allan
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