[scikit-learn] Install sklearn into a specific folder to make some changes

luizfgoncalves at dcc.ufmg.br luizfgoncalves at dcc.ufmg.br
Mon Aug 1 15:55:27 EDT 2016

I'm looking for the best way to install sklearn into a specific folder so
I can make changes for my work, without worrying about bugging my main
sklearn installation (as I use the default version for some experiments

I tried to clone the git repository and use "python setup.py install", but
I'm afraid it will change my user installation too.

Right now, what I want is to edit a file called splitter.pyx (on tree
folder), compile/install sklearn so it will work with my changes, and test

What is the best way to do it without causing problems with my main
sklearn installation?

Thanks a lot for your attention

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