[scikit-image] Linking to stackoverflow

Mark Harfouche mark.harfouche at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 20:41:54 EDT 2018

Where would be the appropriate place to link people to stack overflow?
Does scikit-image have it's own stackoverflow page?
How does stackoverflow really work, Google always points me there, but is
it organized in any way?

I really don't like gitter since people's questions can get bumped really
far off and it can look like we aren't willing to help them.

This came up in the at BIDS a few weeks back, but using mailing lists is
not something that that people that got introduced to the internet post y2k
are accustomed to (myself included ;) ).

This relates to the point:

N.B. I was going to make an issue for this, but I figured I would try this
magical mailing list ;)
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