[scikit-image] 回复:Re: imagepy new version

Juan Nunez-Iglesias jni at fastmail.com
Mon Jun 4 21:32:19 EDT 2018

On Tue, Jun 5, 2018, at 2:21 AM, imagepy at sina.com wrote:
> Sorry,ImagePy is a ui framework based on wxpython, which can not
> install with pip on Linux. You need download the whl acrodding to your
> Linux system.
Ah, that's a shame. I'm on 18.04, so I don't even know if the 16.04
wheel would work. I suppose not.
> wx's official said, wx is a native ui framework, so cannot fit
> different Linux and gtk version. I had pull a issue to solve it here,
> and someone had started it.

> About the future, I think web is the best direction. I choose wx, not
> qt, because qt has a gpl license, and both qt and wx is very heavy.
> and I am not good at js. But now the jupyterlab is just ok, I will
> start this work sometime when the wx version is stable.
I actually disagree with this. I was having a discussion with a friend
about how old computers (1980s) actually felt more responsive than
current ones, because the GUIs were not so wasteful of processing
cycles. I think the trend to web UIs is worsening that situation. Web
apps are way less responsive than well-implemented native apps. (And
they are a leaky abstraction.)
My understanding is that certain PyQt wrappers actually get around the
GPL requirement, allowing you to link to it from BSD-licensed code.
(Which is how things like Matplotlib and Spyder are BSD/MIT.)
But, it's true: none of the Python GUI frameworks are perfect.

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