Skimage - Getting the transformation from Geometric transformation object

Shrawan Kumar Mageswaran m.shrawankumar at
Fri May 27 15:33:54 EDT 2016

Dear Skimage users/developers,

I am trying to retrieve and store transformation parameters as a matrix 
after estimating them using the 
"skimage.transform.estimate_transform('Affine',src,dst)" method. I 
understand that the output of 
"skimage.transform.estimate_transform('Affine',src,dst)" is not a 
transformation matrix by itself (I do not know what the properties of such 
a transform object are and I would like to know more) and I would like to 
calculate the matrix from such an object. I would greatly appreciate your 
help on this issue. Thank you.


Shrawan Kumar Mageswaran
Jensen Lab
California Institute of Technology
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