HoG Descriptors and Bag of Words

Michael O'Brien mob.irl at gmail.com
Sun Jul 24 09:59:04 EDT 2016

Hi all,

I'm new to computer vision/machine learning and I was hoping I could ask 
the community for some advise. I've calculated HoG descriptors for frames 
in a video but I'm not sure how best to group/join/??? them so I can then 
run Kmeans clustering on them. I'm hoping to use the (Visual) Bag of Words 
method to classify using random forrests but I'm a novice when it comes to 
ndarrays and not sure of the correct terminology.

I know the HoG descriptors are flattened arrays but in order to cluster the 
frames/image descriptors I would need to group all the descriptors 
together. What is the best way to create a data structure suitable for 
kmeans when you have 100,000's of individual descriptors and do I need to 
pre-process the ndarrays ?

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