0.12 release

Stéfan van der Walt stefanv at berkeley.edu
Tue Feb 23 12:40:56 EST 2016

Hi Emma

On 23 February 2016 at 07:38, Emmanuelle Gouillart
<emmanuelle.gouillart at nsup.org> wrote:
> TODO.txt is now empty as far as 0.12 is concerned, release notes are
> ready, shall we tag now? Stéfan, no regrets about #1937 or #1905?

Thanks for your hard work in moving the release forward!

#1937 highlights a bug in our tests (and failing tests, that aren't
currently showing up), so I would consider that the last blocker.

I'll try to get around to #1905, but if I don't that's also OK.

> - Update the version number in ``skimage/__init__.py`` and ``bento.info``
>   and commit

All of this can be done on a 0.12.x branch.

>  - Edit ``doc/source/_static/docversions.js`` and commit

This change needs to be done on / merged onto master.

> - Add the version number as a tag in git::
>    git tag -s v0.X.0

This again can happen on the 0.12.x branch.

> Stéfan, if I tag, can you publish on PyPi?

I'd be happy to!


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