Enquiring about companies that rely on scikit-image

François Boulogne fboulogne at sciunto.org
Fri Jul 17 13:04:04 EDT 2015

Le 15/07/2015 20:44, Stefan van der Walt a écrit :
> Hi François
> On 2015-07-15 17:24:46, François Boulogne <fboulogne at sciunto.org> wrote:
>> Also, about donation, is it valuable to also ask for fund raising.
>> Based on the last question of page 1, we may imagine that a popular
>> request can be founded and a developer hired to tackle this specific
>> task.
> Can you explain what you mean by fund raising, and how you would like
> me to change the survey?

Well, based on the use wishes, we can imagine that a specific feature
could be developed with a financial support. Imagine that a significant
part of the community is interested in stitching and that such feature
could be developed for few k$, we can propose a fundraising in the
spirit of kickstarter.

So, the question could be "Would you be ready to participate to a
fundraising campaign to  participate financially to the development of a
specific feature that would be interesting for you?"
This is an example of a crowdfunding campaign done by a french
organization to develop a plugin for an existing software:
However, we should not underestimate the time it takes (communication,
organization...), I'm just throwing an idea :)


François Boulogne.
GPG: 32D5F22F

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