Enquiring about companies that rely on scikit-image

Emmanuelle Gouillart emmanuelle.gouillart at nsup.org
Tue Jul 14 07:51:46 EDT 2015

> I just returned from SciPy2015, and I spoke to several people that are using
> skimage in their workflow.  There are some difficulties in gathering this
> type of information, among others that a) not everyone is on the list and b)
> people may be somewhat secretive about their toolchains.

it's true that some companies do not want to communicate about their
tools: the testimonies on the scikit-learn webpage is a small fraction of
the companies using scikit-learn, that were asked for a testimonial by
the dev team. Indeed, most of them refused.

> I wonder if a survey on the skimage website would be helpful. I.e., "Using
> skimage? Please let us know!" with a link to a short survey.  What do you
> think?

It sounds like a great idea! For companies that are not familiar with the
scientific Python ecosystem, it is very reassuring to know that other
companies are using a package.


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