Python book on computer vision

Adrián Galdrán agaldran at
Thu Oct 16 05:13:34 EDT 2014

Hi Simon,

The book by Jan Enrik Solem entitled "Programming Computer Vision with 
Python" is freely available here:

It comes with plenty of code (there is a github repository accompanying the 
book) and it has a nice learn-by-doing approach. 



El miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014 16:50:40 UTC+2, Simon escribió:
> Hi All,
> I am looking for a book on computer vision in python. I am relatively new 
> to computer vision but have some experience in AI. I have learnt a fair 
> amount form scikit-image documentation and trying things out, but need some 
> more overview. Most of the books I have found are related to opencv. Does 
> anyone have a book that they can recommend. I am more interested in getting 
> an overview of the different techniques of object recognition and 
> categorisation then code examples.
> Thanks
> Simon
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