ANN: scikit-image 0.10.0

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at
Sat Jun 14 17:57:21 EDT 2014


On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 6:52 PM, Stefan van der Walt <stefan at> wrote:
> On 2014-06-05 01:06:01, Matthew Brett <matthew.brett at> wrote:
>> I noticed you only put up the Python 2.7 wheels, not the Python 3.3 and 3.4
>> wheels - any reason for that?
> An oversight, apologies.  I would still like to have an automated way of
> performing this, because I don't think uploading by hand is viable in
> the long run.  I guess since we have an OSX shell at our disposal, I can
> just run the relevant commands there.

The commands in the wheels page could be made into a 6 line shell
script that would build the wheels maybe?  Do you mean uploading
literally being not sustainable?  I think it wouldn't be more than a
few minutes per release,


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