Real-time interaction forum

Stefan van der Walt stefan at
Fri Jun 13 20:07:33 EDT 2014

Hi Michael

On 2014-06-11 11:31:56, Michael Aye <kmichael.aye at> wrote:
> would you care to share what you disliked with I'm asking b/c 
> I'm also looking for a less posty, more chatty exchange forum for my 
> projects, and since github is providing free private repos for scientists, 
> I'm doing more and more (and more) on github, so I thought a chat client 
> that links github projects to chat rooms is a fantastic idea. So what's 
> wrong with it? ;)

I think Gitter will be fine in a few months from now--but specifically,
I wanted IRC integration and notifications to Android/iOS.  Their IRC
integration is currently in alpha and does not work, and the Android
client is still on the roadmap.

Now that we have IRC logs (, thanks to Stuart
Mumford), and since I've figured out that there are free persistent
connection proxies out there (see e.g. as well
as a reasonable Android client
satisfies all my requirements.

As always, though, the conversation remains open.  But in the meantime
we at least have a place we can chat :)


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