"Cythonize" not working on OSX?

Juan Nunez-Iglesias jni.soma at gmail.com
Thu Jun 5 22:02:12 EDT 2014

Unfortunately I can't be any help anymore... The problem resolved itself
for me when I switched to Anaconda. I suggest you do the same. =)

Regarding the Cython version, that may have been a regression of 0.18 or
some other quirk of your environment, because my build just worked fine on
a 0.17 environment...


On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 4:42 AM, Zach Pincus <zpincus at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey all,
> Did this cythonize issue ever get resolved? I can't build master or 0.10
> easily because some pyx files don't have pre-built .c versions, while
> others do, and _build.py's calls to cythonize don't seem to work. (I know
> it's getting called, and I can see the returned distutil object, but cython
> doesn't print out the "compiling" message.)
> Oddly, importing cythonize from a python session and passing it the same
> exact path works, and cython prints the proper message.
> This is super frustrating -- I seriously cannot figure out what's not
> working.
> Also, I think that the cython dependency version isn't actually 0.17 as
> stated. I have 0.18 and builds were failing with some complaint about
> relative import not supported, until I upgraded to the latest cython.
> Zach
> On Sunday, February 2, 2014 11:52:58 PM UTC-6, Stefan van der Walt wrote:
>> On Mon, 03 Feb 2014 16:44:07 +1100, Juan Nunez-Iglesias wrote:
>> > I didn't know this was a possible course of action! =) I have no idea
>> how
>> > many people are affected, or how quick a fix can be... Is it worth
>> > exploring a bit more before reversing it? I actually have very little
>> idea
>> > about the entire build process so I can't offer much insight here...
>> It broke the build on my system too (perhaps it does not check correctly
>> for
>> old versions), so my preference is to revert and have another look at it.
>> Stéfan
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