SciPy 2014 Tutorial and Sprints

Juan Nunez-Iglesias jni.soma at
Thu Jul 10 03:02:58 EDT 2014

Hi all!

I've added a few items to Tony's list:


Add default structuring elements to morphology operations, and fall back on
scipy.ndimage when parameters don't fit our optimized functions based on
rank filters (2D images, bitdepth<12).

Distribute with scikit-image and make it the default for TIFF

Other IO improvements, such as reordering plugin preferences, issuing
warnings when certain plugins are used that rescale the image to float, etc.

Improve 3D support (a few attendees requested this and expressed interest
in helping with that)


Additionally, as I mentioned at the end of my talk and to all who would
listen, I have no interest in locking myself in a basement for 8h while
it's a nice day out. (You might recall that I was just as adamant 2 years
ago, but back then I wasn't leading. =P) As such, I propose holding the
skimage in one of:

201 (an official sprinting room) *only* if the shades are opened
the tables outside of the Tejas dining room
Gabriel's bar, either inside or outside.

The last one is my preferred choice since we can also enjoy drinks while

Finally, depending on how things go, we may only sprint on skimage on
Friday so that we can mingle with the other teams on Saturday. But we'll
play this by ear.


PS: Regarding the tutorials, I have been busy with my own talk and didn't
have a chance to upload my solutions. Will do those now.

PPS: I am also hereby proposing #skimage as the official hashtag of the
scikit-image library. =)

On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 10:59 PM, Tony Yu <tsyu80 at> wrote:

> Juan and I put together a tutorial for SciPy 2014. If anyone has 4 hours
> to kill, here's a link to the first video, which should link to the other 3
> videos in the sidebar
> The accompanying notebooks are here:
> Also, Juan and I are planning to hold a sprint on Friday. I know Steven
> Sylvester and Thomas Caswell frequent this list (and are currently here for
> the conference), so this is me putting you on the spot to get you to join
> us for the sprint. Anyone else that reads this list should join in as well.
> I put together a list of possible sprint items on the wiki. Juan: I wrote
> down what I remembered from our discussion; make sure you give it a look
> over to make sure I didn't forget anything we talked about. Everyone: If
> you have any ideas, now is the time to throw it out there:
> By the way, a couple of the suggestions I wrote down might be
> controversial, specifically, these two:
>    - Move and deprecate functions
>       - canny from filter to feature
>       - threshold_* from filter to exposure
> Thoughts?
> -Tony
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