Face detection

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Tue Feb 18 05:30:16 EST 2014

Hi Vasanth

On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 9:55 AM, Vasanth Kalingeri
<vasanth.kalingeri at gmail.com> wrote:
>       I found the project that you mentioned, here and I find it to be
> really interesting to work on. I have used the haar classifier for detecting
> faces(mostly as a black box) and I would like to understand its working so
> that I can work on this project, can you please let me know how I start with
> this? Any good algorithms in recent research papers that I have to read? or
> any essential prerequisites for the project?

The best place to start is by reading the paper(s) by Viola & Jones,
and making sure you understand their approach fully.  Then, the
instructions given on the project outline can be explored to train
some new filters.

Pre-requisites for this project are fairly general skills such as
being able to a) read and understand papers independently b) apply
creative thinking around algorithms and ideas to replace
patent-encumbered parts of the algorithm and c) easily implement and
experiment with different approaches.

However, much more important is the ability to engage with the
community.  A good way of doing so is through the process of filing
and discussing a pull request.


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