Google Summer of Code 2014

abid rahman abidrahman2 at
Mon Feb 17 23:15:25 EST 2014

Hi Stefan,

Here is *one link of patent application* I just found out (I am not sure if
it is proof for whether it is patented. I don't know much about patents,
but I think you will understand it) :

Long back, I have seen a video its author presenting SWT in a conference,
and a question came from audiance about its source code, He replied "come
to Microsoft, you will get the code". "Otherwise?", "It is not upto me"

Please *watch last one minute of this video* :

Some two years back, when I first saw this paper, I had a plan to implement
it (and contribute to OpenCV actually). So while gathering more information
about this, I saw this video, and I assumed it is patented and OpenCV won't
take it. So left the plan there.

And I think that may be the reason *OpenCV went after another (newer - CVPR
2012) algorithm for same* :


Abid K.

On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 7:22 PM, Stéfan van der Walt <stefan at>wrote:

> Hi Abid
> On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 5:58 PM, abid rahman <abidrahman2 at>
> wrote:
> > One question. Isn't stroke width transform patented by microsoft
> research?
> I haven't seen any indication that it is; could you provide me with a
> reference?
> Stéfan
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