Contribution to scikit-image

Stéfan van der Walt sjvdwalt at
Sun Feb 9 10:16:46 EST 2014

Hi Kakul

On Sun, 09 Feb 2014 18:45:42 +0530, Kakul Chandra wrote:
> I am a Computer Science undergraduate from Indian Institute of Technology
> Roorkee. I am currently working on a project related to Text and Image
> extraction from scanned Newspaper images.I am using scikit-image for that
> purpose. I wanted to know I could contribute to scikit-image.

We have a long list of bugs (some of them quite easy) that need to be fixed,
so that would be one place to start.  The other would be documentation.  You
can also look at our wiki at

in order to see a list of proposed future tasks.

One feature I would like to see that is related to text is the stroke width


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