Number of bins in Entropy and Enhance_contrast for uint16

Pål Gunnar Ellingsen paalge at
Wed Dec 10 05:05:19 EST 2014


I'm new to using the scikit-image library, so if this question is silly 
please excuse me.

I'm trying to run contrast enhancement on thousands of  1000x1000 images of 
"numpy.uint16" type.
I'm expecting this to be very computationally expensive, something 
confirmed when running either entropy or enhance_contrast (from 

"skimage.filter.rank") with the warning:

"Bitdepth of 15 may result in bad rank filter performance due to large 
number of bins".
I'm wondering if it is possible to reduce the number of bins via an option?
I've tried to find such a keyword in the documentation and source code, but 
I haven't been able to find it.

Kind regards

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