Fwd: [SciPy-Dev] Scipy 1.0 roadmap

François Boulogne fboulogne at sciunto.org
Sun Sep 22 02:56:27 EDT 2013

Hi devs,

FYI, I forward you this email from Ralf. In the roadmap, there is one
entry for ndimage.

-------- Message original --------
Sujet: 	[SciPy-Dev] Scipy 1.0 roadmap
Date : 	Sat, 21 Sep 2013 20:54:09 +0200
De : 	Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers at gmail.com>
Répondre à : 	SciPy Developers List <scipy-dev at scipy.org>
Pour : 	SciPy Developers List <scipy-dev at scipy.org>

Hi all,

At EuroScipy Pauli, David and I sat together and drafted a roadmap for
Scipy 1.0. We then discussed this offline with some of the other
currently most active core devs, to get it into a state that's ready for
discussion on this list. So here it is:

Our aim is for this roadmap to help guide us towards a 1.0 version,
which will contain only code that we consider to be "of sufficient
quality". Also, it will help to communicate to new and potential
developers where their contributions are especially needed.

In order to discuss/review this roadmap without generating a monster
thread, I propose the following:
- topics like "do we need a roadmap?" or "what does 1.0-ready really
mean?" are discussed on this thread.
- things in the General section (API changes, documentation/test/build
guidelines, etc.), are discussed on this thread as well.
- for discussion of module-specific content, start a new thread and name
it "1.0 roadmap: <module_name>".
- for minor things, comment on the PR.


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