SLIC Module in SciKit

Juan Nunez-Iglesias jni.soma at
Mon Nov 18 08:08:33 EST 2013

Hi Jeremy,

is this just an issue of case? ie "slic" vs "SLIC"? The correct import line
should be:

from skimage.segmentation import slic

I hope this helps!


On Monday, November 18, 2013, Jeremy Dunne wrote:

> Morning All,
> I have been trying to port my linux python code to a windows x32
> environment and am very close however I just can’t seem to find a way of
> Python 2.7 recognising the SLIC Module that is within sci-image. Having
> used Chris Gohlke’s Windows Extensions everything works up until my code
> looks to import SLIC from SciKit.
> Error : No module SLIC
> Anyone else had this issue or solved this problem ?
> Cheers
> Jeremy.
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